Want to win an Orbeez Crush Sweet Treats Studio? Just enter in the widget below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

There’s only one thing you must do to enter to win a prize, and its super easy! Then, by completing that entry, the Rafflecopter widget will unlock several other options to gain even more entries {some you can do daily}! Each of these latter entries are optional, but completing them can increase your chances to win. All rules and entries are managed by Rafflecopter. The widget will be selecting a winner at random, and each winner will be contacted via the email address you provide in the widget. {We have a strict privacy policy listed in the widget. Absolutely no personal information will be kept, other than only to notify the winner.} A winner has 48 hours to claim the prize, or we will redraw a new winner. For a full list of giveaway rules and requirements, please click the “Terms & Conditions” link in the widget above. The giveaway is open internationally, and entrants must be 18 years of age {or older} to participate. If you are younger than 18, you must have a parent enter for you. This contest ends on Friday, November 20th at 11:59pm CST, and the winners will also be displayed within the widget after that time, so be sure to check back! Good luck!

Want to win an Orbeez Crush Sweet Treats Studio? Just enter in the widget below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

There’s only one thing you must do to enter to win a prize, and its super easy! Then, by completing that entry, the Rafflecopter widget will unlock several other options to gain even more entries {some you can do daily}! Each of these latter entries are optional, but completing them can increase your chances to win. All rules and entries are managed by Rafflecopter. The widget will be selecting a winner at random, and each winner will be contacted via the email address you provide in the widget. {We have a strict privacy policy listed in the widget. Absolutely no personal information will be kept, other than only to notify the winner.} A winner has 48 hours to claim the prize, or we will redraw a new winner. For a full list of giveaway rules and requirements, please click the “Terms & Conditions” link in the widget above. The giveaway is open internationally, and entrants must be 18 years of age {or older} to participate. If you are younger than 18, you must have a parent enter for you. This contest ends on Friday, November 20th at 11:59pm CST, and the winners will also be displayed within the widget after that time, so be sure to check back! Good luck!